mandag 31. oktober 2011

Stephanie 7: Stephanie er bekymret for at jeg ikke har skrevet

Hi honey,
Good morning my love, how are you doing with work ? some days now I have not hear from you ,I hope that everything is ok.just to let you know that i miss you so much honey.see you soon my love,have a nice weekend , your baby Stephanie

Jeg må ærlig inrømme at jeg har slitt litt med kreativiteten i det siste, derfor mått jeg ta internett til hjelp. Heldigvis finnes det nettsider med hvor man kan finne kjærlighetsbrev, ferdig skrevet:)

Hi Steph.

I had to rush back to work a few days ago. Luckily I got internet connection at a small cabin we took shelter in. Don't have much time, but I wrote you a little letter:

My dear Steph,

Thank you so much for lifting my spirits this afternoon with a quick mail. My heart is overflowing with
love for you. I miss you desperately.
Steph, I care for you with all my heart. I adore you with all my heart. I have cherished and adored all that
you have shared with me, the gentle touch of your hands, your warm hugs, your loving and sensual kisses, the
feel of your soft and smooth skin, the thrill of holding your hand. I am amazed at what you do to my heart.
Stephanie, I long for you. I long to see your love and adoration in your eyes. I long to feel the comfort and peace
of your loving arms. I long to feel the sensual passion of your kisses. I long to feel the love and desire of
your tender touch. I long to swim in the warm, gentle sea of your love, to be surrounded by it, to be enveloped
 in it, to draw strength from it. I long to hold you close and never let you go.
With all the love of a longing heart,

Da lettet stemninga i det vest-Afrikanske hjem igjen. Jeg fikk svar umiddelbart, for første gang har hun byttet emne på eposten hun sendte til: THANKS FOR YOUR SWEET MAIL

Thanks for your sweet mail honey. i know now that even if the whole world were to crumble, you will be my wedge, and i only now sleep and wake of you and feel you all around me and i can feel it so strongly that my spirit is gone ahead to be with you and i am just here in my body, how i will love to sleep and wake up in your sweet and lovely arms, i will only go to sleep now knowing that i will meet you in my dreams and hold you tight there and lips to lips would i have contact with you, be there always for me and i tell you that you have now just the keys to my heart of hearts, i will always love and care for you, kissssssssssss and hugssssss, looking forward to hear from you very soon.Stephanie

Jeg skal ta meg litt på tak nå, og få ut resten jeg har liggende de neste dagene. Stay tuned!

fredag 21. oktober 2011

Sixten og Shad 1i: Sixten finner en styrtrik jomfru i nød

Jeg fant en stakkars foreldreløs sexbombe til Sixten. Shadi er en av de mest aktive afrikanske svindlerne, og er kjent for å gå rett på sak, akkurat som Sixten. Uten at det er bekreftet ryktes det på nett at Shadi i virkeligheten er bosatt i New York, men at hennes medhjelpere holder til i Senegal.

Hi Shadi

My name is Sixten and I come from Sweden. I found your profile on an internet dating site called I saw your amazing pictures. I specially like the one with the black top. I think you're a pretty girl, and I woul like to get to know you better. I want to be your life long friend and maybe lover?

Love Sixten Tömmerfors

Det tok ikke lang tid før svindleren beit på

All about me, love and trust 

How is your day? thanks for your mail, i felt so happy as i was reading your message . meanwhile i don't longer think is necessary for me to hide myself from you again and i decided to contact you because of the urgency of my situation here. My hobbies are reading, tennis, music and football.
I' am miss Shadi 23 years old girl the only daughter of Late  Dr. Wilson Diop, the former Director of diamond and gold extrusion Ltd, of  RWANDA in  Africa and also the former minister of mineral resources. before the rebels attacked my house one early morning killing my mother and my father. It was only me that is alive now and i managed to make my way to near by country, i am living in the SOS ORPHANAGE HOME  here in Dakar Senegal.

Since I came to this Orphanage home , It,s just like some one staying in the prison and I hope by God's grace, I will come out here soon.I do not have any relatives now whom I can go to as all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war .

The only person I have now is Rev.Timothy who is the pastor  here in the Orphanage home, he has been very nice to me since I came here, but I am not living with him rather I live in the female's hostel because the camp have two hostels one for men the other for women.Please try to call me by 12 GMT.The Pastor's Telephone number is:+221-766-954-870                        

when you call, tell him that you want to speak with me, so that he will send for me in the hostel.Please call me any time from now, I love to hear your voice.

I do not have any right or privilege to anything be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country.I want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year before the tragic incident that led to the death of my parents took place.

Please listen to this, I have my late father's deposit documents papers here with me which I will send to you later, because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in a leading bank in Europe, which he used my name as the next of kin, is the amount ($ 7.5M  Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars).

So I will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you.

I kept this secret to people in the camp here, the only person that knows about it is the Reverend because he is like a father to me.So in the light of above i will like you to keep it to yourself and do not tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and if the money
gets people to know about it.

my dear, I will like you to send me all the under-mentioned particulars, for me to
more you know, and know whom I am dealing with.Below here is what I need from you so that I can send to you the bank information:

(1) Your Full Name........

(2) Phone number....

(3) Country and City.....

Remember, I am giving you all this information due to the trust

I hope that  You are a nice person, I love to meet you very soon.I will like you to call me, I want to hear your voice.Have a nice day and think about me.

Remember age does not mean anything between us all we need is honest,trust-worthy and good caring.

Yours Shadi

Her er vi altså rett på sak. Her er det penger inn i bildet. Dette er et standart brev fra Shadi, som jeg har sett flere steder på nettet. Så at pastoren er den eneste som har fått vite hennes hemmelighet er en relativt stor overdrivelse. På grunn av stort påtrykk fra mange kvinner, og at jeg ikke ønsker å bombardere bloggen med flere innlegg daglig, måtte jeg sende et kort svar, for å sette henne på vent.

Hi lovely Shadi

I'm at tour with my music project at the moment, I'll com back to you, when I'm back home, next week. Hang on in there :) Love your sexy pics. Wanna see more ;)
Like etter tikket det inn en ny fra Shadi

Thanks so much for you reply and concern.

Dear I want you to help me in claiming of my late father's funds in the Europ bank, I want to claim this funds now because life is not easy with me here in the Orphanage camp, no good feeding no good health, so that is why i decided to claim this funds now,.
I am really telling you the truth but the fact is that when i wrote to the bank in claiming of this money as the nest of kin but they requested a foreign partner from me because of my under age,and it a very hug amount of money, and because of my refugee status  and i ask them the reason of a foreign partner, they advice me to find a Good person because of honest reasons so that is why I contacted you  .I hope and believe that you will not betray me,
if you really want to help me your country does not matter , what matter's is your honesty because you don't even need to go to there all you will do is to contact them with their contact Information that I will give you only if you promise to help me and will be honest with me,.

You are the only one I told of this issue so please keep this issue very confidential as you know that it is an issue of a hug amount of money and the bank warned me to keep this issue very confidential , so please don't be telling this issue to any body.

so let me know if you will help me and will be honest with me so that i will give you the bank information and you contact them to confirm.

And i want to meet you after this transfer is made into your account, so that i can live a better life with you again .

Send me your picture

Yours Shadi

Jeg tror jeg må sende Sixten på en fotosjut etterhvert. Stay tuned for more love or scam!

torsdag 20. oktober 2011

Sixten og Anna 1: Sixten får kontakt med en gammel kjenning!

Sixten har vist seg å være en storsjarmør. Veldig direkte med disse damene, og legger ikke imellom at han kanskje har litt mer lyst på de enn det jeg har. Han har allerede flere på kontaktlista si, så her er det bare å følge med

Sixten fikk i oppdrag å prøve å få kontakt med både Stephanie og Anna. Det gikk ikke lang tid før Anna skrev tilbake. Som hun skrev i sitt første brev, er hun fortsatt skeptisk til spam. Hun skulle bare ha visst! 


My name is Sixten, I saw your profile on an online dating site. You look like a cute girl it would be nice to know better. Answer me if you dare;)

Sixten Tömmerfors

Svaret kom det: 

Hello my friend! I am very pleased that you are also interested me, and I'm very happy about it.

I'm so glad to see your letter, but unfortunately I could not answer you at once, and I am very sorry that made you wait, I hope you're not too sorry to me??

how are you today? how are you? today a great day and wonderful mood. and how your mood?

If you honestly, I did not expect today to see your reply letter to me. I thought that I would not be interested in you and you write to me. Now the Internet is very much different SPAM and we are all afraid to answer the unknown letters and photos. Me just come a lot of letters and sometimes I even wonder where do all these letters. I am very glad that you answered my letter and want to meet me. I want to say thank you for what you are interested in me and of course a special thank you for your letter.

I can not wait now to start communicating with you, but the problem is that I have little time for writing to you. I beg you not think that I'm lazy to write you a lot. Is not the case. Check e-mail and saw your letter I now just wanted to immediately thank you for your letter of reply, but another more long letter I will write you later, ok? I will answer your questions and I will write more about myself, okay? But you should have the first idea of ??what I'm out of himself, as well as what I live in this life, which makes my mood and what I enjoy. Be a little patient, I will write you a letter later. please please write me in English, right? You can use a translator I know very well English.

Once again I want to tell you that I am glad that you wrote to me. I am very pleased. I send you my photo in my next letter, ok? I ask you just send me your photo itself ..

Sincerely yours new friend Anna.

Litt morsomt at Anna tror hun har sendt brev til Sixten først, det har hun da vitterlig ikke, men det er sikkert litt vanskelig å holde følge med alle når man har så mange menn å huske på å bry seg om. Da det begynner å hope seg litt opp i innboksen til både Sixten og meg, måtte Sixten svare Anna på denne måten. Det blir spennende å følge fortsettelsen.

My Anna!
I'm so happy you answerd so fast. Unfortunately I don't have time to write much now, and maybe not much the coming days. I play the bass in a music project, and we're going out on a small tour. I don't know how regularly I will be able to check my mail. Music is very important to me. Do you play music Anna? What kind of music do you like? What artists? I'm looking forward to get to know you better:)

Love Sixten

PS: You would love to be one of the girls I will hook up with, when on tour;) 

onsdag 19. oktober 2011

Stephanie 6: Stephanie bryr seg på et vis.

Jeg har jo tidligere vært usikker på om damene mine virkelig leser det jeg skriver. Nå prøvde jeg å legge inn noen ting som burde bli lagt merke til. Stephanie har jo til tider skrevet noe usammenhengende, så det tenkte jeg at jeg kunne legge meg på samme lista.

Hi Steph.

At last I'm back from hunting, no luck this time. He hearkens after prophecies and dreams. We saw two bears but could not shoot them. What do you think about hunting? And from the cross-row plucks the letter G. I think you would like going out in the wilderness and shoot everything that moves. Matt 7:12 is a great sentence, but I have to admit, I think old Matthew was pretty wasted when he wrote the whole chapter seven. You have to be pretty paranoid if you think the pigs are going to attack you, if you give them jewels, as he states in 7:6. And says a wizard told him that by G. His issue disinherited should be; Don't you agree? And, for my name of George begins with G, It follows in his thought that I am he. I understand that you are very christian, and I do respect that, and hope you will respect my norse religion too. We don't have the same god, actually I have several, the coolest in my opinion is Heimdall, actually he's African like you.

As I said earlier I think it's a bit early to meet yet, and therefore it may be a bit early to start planning having kids together. But if you dream, everything can happen;)


Svaret kom, og var overraskende på mange måter, hun viser jo at hun leser det jeg skriver, men samtidig føler jeg at hun ikke får med seg alt.

Hi honey.
Good morning and how are you today? I have had a nice sleep but none could be measured to been near to you and feeling your heart beat close to mine. I couldn't have wished any better man even if we are still far apart.I am sorry for not written sooner Dear.I hope your week wasn't that stressful as though I haven't heard from you in a couple of days now, since you come back from hunting and it calls for my concern. yes I like hunting but I don't know how to do that hope you will teach me when am with you over there. Are you alright please? Yes I do respect all religion, yes I really do want us to meet if its your I hope that you will see soon when its ok by you.

So how are you carrying on with work?? Are you in Town or you did travel ? I miss you and surely want to use each and every day to tell you your worth, please stay fine and thank you for been there always for me. My heart yearns to the truth of your body, I wish you a nice week and be sure that someone all the way from the black African race do cares.

Nå skriver hun at synes det er ok med jakt, og lurer på om jeg kanskje kan lære henne det. Jeg stusser likevel på at hun ikke reagerer på at Duke Clarence fra Shakespeares "Life and death of King Richard III" har lurt seg inn i e-posten min. Heller ikke mitt syn på Matteus personlige tilstand da han skrev sitt evangelium har hun bitt seg merke i.

tirsdag 18. oktober 2011

Sixten og Otoo Lartey 1. Svindlerinnen går rett på kroken!

Dette er Otoo. Otoo er fra Accra i Ghana, og opererer etter sigende under sitt eget reelle navn. Jeg ga Sixten e-postadressen hennes, og lot han ta det der i fra. 
(Bildet er hentet fra nettstedet hvor jeg fant adressen) 

Hi Otoo

My name is Sixten and I come from Sweden. I found your profile on an internet dating site. I think you're a pretty girl, and I woul like to get to know you better. I want to be your life long friend.


10 timer etterpå kunne Sixten triumferende bekrefte at han for første gang i sitt liv hadde fått oppmerksomhet fra en jente!

I am Otoo 33years of age ,single looking without no children, 5-7 ft tall, 133 lbs., black hair and chocolate colour....Im born and raised in Ghana....
I am an honest and good christian who loves being surrounded by family, friends and holidays. I am ready for a serious relationship and I really look forward to starting that with the right person. I am an honest,loyal, passionate, generous, giving, affectionate, sexual, supportive, sensitive, and a good listener who is easy to get along with. I am outgoing and very spontaneous.
I am someone who is comfortable in a pair of jeans, drinking a beer as in a black silk dress, sipping a glass of wine. I like the outdoors as I like to just stay at home. Hang around the house getting my hands dirty in the yard. Love to entertain..
I am generally try to live a somewhere healthy lifestyle, exercising and some sort of joggings, 3-4 days a week and eating healthy, trust me, I love sweets and pastries such as ice cream,biscuits,cheeps,fun ice,fun pop,yorgurt and fun milk, but try not to over do it in my life and i do not smoke or drink ....
I would also like to find an honest and good christian who we can participate in activities together and encourage each other to pursue our interests as well. I have several hobbies (and wish I could find more time to pursue those) such as cooking ,swimming, playing computer, dancing, and reading, and more,and would like someone to share that with, as well as sharing his interest with me too..
I do also have some funs to such as fishing,boating,cooking,going to the beach and i do want to participate all this funs with the person in my life..I Hope to hear from you soon...

Jenta drikker både øl og vin, Sixten er vel mer en hjemmebrentsnyter for sin del, men jeg tror de skal komme godt overens. Stay Tuned!

Jeg har hyret inn en stuntblogger

Da jeg ikke kan ta utgangspunkt i en evigvarende og jevn strøm av utenlandske frierinner måtte jeg finne på noe for å få mer materiale å legge ut. Godt hjulpet av et nettforum jeg fant, som jobber for å avsløre identiteten til nettsvindlere, har jeg nå muligheten til å kontakte svindlerne direkte. 

Da jeg ikke hadde mer enn som så lyst til å bruke mitt eget navn til dette måtte jeg hyre inn noen. Valget falt på den nokså ukjente, svenske slabedasken og backup-bassisten Sixten Tömmerfors. Sixten er selvvalgt arbeidsledig, men fant ut at dette var noe han kunne gjøre når han har fri. Jeg mistenker at Sixten er så dum at han tror at han kan sjarmere en av disse jentene, og få henne til å bli en lovlydig jente, og gifte seg med han. Lykke til.


mandag 17. oktober 2011

Anna 3: From Russia with love?

Jeg måtte jo svare Anna når hun til slutt skrev til meg. Jeg må si at Anna gjør en litt bedre jobb en Stephanie for å framstå som troverdig, med hovedvekt på litt. Engelsken hennes er kanskje ikke den beste, det er til tider bare ord i tilfeldig rekkefølge, men det går da an å komme seg igjennom det på et vis. 

Hi Anna

I'm happy you wrote to me, AT LAST. Hehe, no that's OK. So, who is Anna?
Where do you come from, and what do you do?

As you say, there are really many spamers out there. I all the time get
letters from African girls, it's pretty annoying. What made me shure that
I could trust you was what you wrote about your own insecurity about
taking contact over mail. The spamers use to be very confident and direct,
and this was how I knew that you were not one of them

I send you a photo of me, as you wanted. Looking forward to your answer

Love TG.

Man må virkelig lure på om noen som omtaler seg selv som "pretty educated" tror at setningen " Hey is again writing to you I - Anna" betyr noe som helst, det er det hun åpner med og lista ligger der altså. Enjoy!

Hey is again writing to you I - Anna. Last time I wrote to you, but it was only a short message. Please excuse me for my first message, then unfortunately I was very busy at work and so could not write you much. Sorry!A friend of mine believe me I do not want to lie to you, I want to know just what you are, what your life and I really like to talk to you, just snimiti suspicions with me!
So where to start my first story about myself, I do not know. This communication online new for me and I'm even a little embarrassed. Never before had such a dialogue, but I feel that online dating is very interesting.
Well, follow the rules and start my story about himself to the point.
My name is. As you already know my name is Anna. I am 28 years old. My date of birth June 3, 1983. I'm pretty educated woman, with good performance and with a good sense of humor. I do not drink (I admit, but sometimes the holidays is a little bit about a glass of wine), I do not smoke and never used drugs. I mention drugs now, because now is a terrible time that many women are stuck in drugs. Personally, I was strictly brought up by my parents, so I do not use a child anything that would harm my health.
By nationality I am Russian and I live in a huge metropolis Moscow. This is in Russia, if you do not know. At a sign from the horoscope I Gemini. I am calm, balanced, and all this cheerful woman. I must now describe myself as a princess, although it is not. I have my faults, but this may be later. Do not want to just talk to you about their shortcomings. Unfortunately I am not married yet and much to our regret I do not have children. I write the word "unfortunately" because I really want to get married, but that it happened in my life that I still have not met the right man. Of course, like any woman I've had serious relationships with men here, but that relationship ended as quickly as begun. I guess I just did not meet that man who could truly love and appreciate me.
I fully secured by a woman and have a good job. I work for a construction company as a master of landscape project. I love this job! I love to decorate the house, front garden, the interior of a new home, make repairs to homes, apartments.
About my hobbies. Maybe you're a little surprised at my hobby, but it is my passion and I can not do anything with them. More from school with my friends, we love to collect leaves of trees. At first it was a childish infatuation, but in time for me to this hobby has turned into a hobby. I pick the leaves of trees and lay them in the book. So they persist and do not change their shape. Here is my strange hobby, but I hope that you will not think about me because of my hobby, as a strange woman? Please do not think about me. This is just my hobby and I collected leaves me sometimes even calm when I look at them.
In addition to this hobby, I also have many other interests. For example, I love to dance, and in his spare time, I go to dancing school. Dancing maintain my figure and yet it is also a sport. I also love to cook different dishes and on weekends I'm not one hour at the stove. I like experimenting in the kitchen, sometimes even inventing new dishes themselves. This is interesting. So, I could still write a lot of you that I love and that I do not like, but I fear that time is not enough for this. Moreover, this letter has got longer and you're probably already tired of reading my scribbling. This is not it? Excuse me for what I make you read so much, but I hope you carry away my story about myself.
Well, I stay on it. For the first letter is sufficient. Now you have at least some idea about me and my kind. I hope you find me interesting for yourself and write your answer soon. I'll wait for your answer and of course read with great interest your letter about your life and certainly for you. Do not forget to send your photo. I would be interested to see your life through photos.
Sincerely your new friend from Russia Anna.

En landskapsarkitekt som samler på løv og er glad i å danse, det har jeg faktisk aldri tenkt over som en drømmedame. Fikk nok et bilde da. 

torsdag 13. oktober 2011

Blogg-tips: Olabil vs Nigeria

Bloggeren Rabiatix er en kar som tydeligvis har vært i min bransje en stund. Les hans fantastiske blogg om hvordan han fikk nigerianske svindlere til å bygge Olabil. Resten av bloggen inneholder også mye gull. 

Om noen kommer over andre som driver med dette, send meg gjerne tips.

Stay Tuned!

Jeg har plassert min blogg i Altanorske bloggkart!

Anna 2. Anna svarer endelig. Veldig standardisert, og sikkert mange

Anna har endelig svart meg. Det var et veldig kjedelig svar. Bare at hun var veldig glad for at jeg hadde svart henne, og at hun ikke hadde tid til å skrive mer akkurat nå. Det som er morsomt her, er at jeg svarte Annas første brev, fra to forskjellige e-postadresser. Jeg har fått det samme svaret til begge adressene, uten at jeg får inntrykk av at hun vet at begge er mine. Jeg må vel også nevne det faktum at en av mine beste venner også fikk den første mailen, og da blir det interessant. Flott nytt bilde da foresten.


Hello my friend! I am very pleased that you are also interested me, and I'm very happy about it. I'm so glad to see your letter, but unfortunately I could not answer you at once, and I am very sorry that made you wait, I hope you're not too sorry to me?? how are you today? how are you? today a great day and wonderful mood. and how your mood? If you honestly, I did not expect today to see your reply letter to me. I thought that I would not be interested in you and you write to me. Now the Internet is very much different SPAM and we are all afraid to answer the unknown letters and photos. Me just come a lot of letters and sometimes I even wonder where do all these letters. I am very glad that you answered my letter and want to meet me. I want to say thank you for what you are interested in me and of course a special thank you for your letter. I can not wait now to start communicating with you, but the problem is that I have little time for writing to you. I beg you not think that I'm lazy to write you a lot. Is not the case. Check e-mail and saw your letter I now just wanted to immediately thank you for your letter of reply, but another more long letter I will write you later, ok? I will answer your questions and I will write more about myself, okay? But you should have the first idea of ??what I'm out of himself, as well as what I live in this life, which makes my mood and what I enjoy. Be a little patient, I will write you a letter later. please please write me in English, right? You can use a translator I know very well English. Once again I want to tell you that I am glad that you wrote to me. I am very pleased. I send you my photo in my next letter, ok? I ask you just send me your photo itself .. Sincerely yours new friend Anna.

Jeg er veldig glad for at hun skriver at det spammes mye, da har vi noe å prate om. Kall det felles interesse. Jeg synes også det er litt fornøyelig at setningene: "Me just come a lot of letters and sometimes I even wonder where do all these lettersog "You can use a translator I know very well English" brukes, for det faller på sin egen urimelighet. Prøv å si den første med Cookie Monster-stemme!

Stay tuned for more love or spam 

onsdag 12. oktober 2011

Stephanie 5. Stephanie bedyrer at hun leser hva jeg skriver, og vil lage barn!

Jeg måtte jo sende en mail til, til Steph. før jeg reiser ut i isødet. Jeg konfronterer henne med at hun aldri svarer på det jeg skriver om, men skriver det samme i hvert brev. Hun svarer at hun leser hva jeg skriver, og så fortsetter hun i samme sporet som før. Hvor viktig trofasthet er, hvor viktig trofasthet er og om hvor viktig trofasthet er, etc. Helt til slutt kommer det foresten noe om at hun vil ha barn med meg, jeg tror virkelig jeg klarer å styre min begeistring:)

I had the time to check my mail, one more time before we leave for som days out in the ice. I was so happy to see I got a mail from you. But I have to say I`m really disappointed now. You write almost the same in every letter, and it doesn't seem like you read what I write to you. I write to you how I feel about you, and about who I am. I wrote that I think it's a bit to early to meet already, but you are asking when we can meet. I write about myself and my life, and experiences of my friend, and you don't seem to care. To me you look like one of these girls that are more eager to get a boyfriend, than to care about who the boyfriend is. If you want to be my girlfriend, then you have to listen to me. I don't want, or need, a girlfriend that doesn't care about what I say, and only commands me to the sofa and TV if I try to peel a potato. 

As I said earlier, I will be gone for some days. I hope I have a nice letter to come back to.

Mediocre Regards
 Svaret kom etter ca 20 timer. Her bedyrer hun at hun leser hva jeg skriver, før hun fortsetter i samme rennet: Trofasthet er viktig, trofasthet er viktig og  trofasthet er viktig, etc. Det morsomme er at teksten kommer med tre forskjellige fonter og størelser. Får en svak fornemmelse for klipp og lim.

Hi Thomas

Good evening and how has your day been? Thank you for the mail, Yes I read your mail and I understand your mail very well.well I don't want to talk about your friend girlfriend and the experiences he has,because in life there are good people and bad people,so maybe he want to the Wong sorry that its happen like that way. the word you use that to you I look like one of those girls that are more eager to have boyfriend is not good to use it on me.but I forgive you. I thought about all of these today and I wish to express it with you and hear what you think about my idea, you already know that I am someone that wants as much as I am given, I want someone that can love and never CHEAT,someone that knows attentions and above all see the need to share conversation in an open manners

Been natural has helped me to reflect on some Bible accounts and want to share this thoughts with you as I believe in whatever thing that you want peoples to do to you,do to them first as Jesus started at Matthew 7:12.
This has prove practical and so true because if you want love,show love to others first,if you want respect,show respect to others first,if you want understanding,try to see where you can show understanding when others are sharing their views,if you want forgiveness,learn to forgive others when they wrong you,if you want caring,be caring to others and in fact anything you want from peoples,be sure to treat them that way first and they will be moved to return the favor and this is what am found of. I believe that we walk through life and eventually meet someone that will means all to us and this one will be the reason why we are alive,you both will understand each others from the very first message and it would be the best blessing that you have ever wished and have waited all your life.I know am not perfect but am ready to do all that I can to keep my home because no place is better or best,you have to make it good, you have to make it better and that's by been honest to your mate,staying true and faithful,be sincere,be loving always,be forgiven and show concern,be respectful and never let pride eat you up,always be ready to say you are sorry and admit when you are corrected because that one that corrected you wants peace still within the house.

I don't want a man that will provide me the heaven of the earth but just want someone that knows that a woman needs some love and attentions and he's really willing to share with her,a man that wants to stay FAITHFUL to his family,a man that will be sincere and honest.I need a man that will stay true to his wife and family,I need a man that we will both grow old in the arms of each others and I know that this kind of man is hard to find but they aren't completely our of reach,you can still find someone of such kind,those that are good and understanding.
I need a man that knows that marriage is understanding and that marriage must have problems since we are both imperfect,I need a man that knows that misunderstanding within the homes even makes us stronger because at the end we are able to see where we went wrong and can correct them and so will grow in love then,I need a man that knows that marriage is been forgiven and teaching,I need a man that knows that marriage is our ability to look far beyond what we are seeing with our eyes on the other person and see only the good side of our partners.I need a man that knows that for marriage to last forever then we must always be willing to have open conversations,that we would have to share our opinion's on what we think on certain issues. I need a man that will be not only my husband but my friend,we could go places together and hold hands,talk on the way and if we have misunderstanding due to the fact that we are two imperfect peoples we should be able to bring the matter on the table and talk about it immediately and not leaving it for so long before we get back to it because this will help us to carry on and under-mind what the devil could have attempt through the misunderstanding.
I have seen so many wonderful qualities on you and I can't explain to you through the emails, I simply pray that we meet each others someday that I can let you know that this is what you have done to me and this is how I am paying you back, with my love I will tenderly care for you, with my understanding you will know peace with me always, with my caring you will feel young at heart forever as long as we are alive Thomas, with my respect you will always be the Hero Of My Heart. I miss you and I am happy that are doing good over there, don't worry if you couldn't write on time as long as you had me in you mind because i needs that. I simply did miss you and couldn't help it since we are far apart from each others. It tears a loving heart apart that distance hold us in the wreck of our emotions.
Please understand me that everything that I have said here is from my heart and don't feel like I am too demanding,I just wish that you can know all that I want and when you look well into all that I have shared with you now,you can tell that they are not hard,they are qualities that are in all humans, they are in you Thomas and i have seen them already but sad that most of us fail to read the Bible and apply the things that we are reading. I miss you and I hope that soon we will meet each others,
So what did you eat today? I wish that I can cook for you that you don't have to be bordered about that again, share your kiss and feel the debt of the love that you have for us. I hope you have a nice night. I hope someday you and I would have our own children, what do you think about this Idea please? When would this be possible if ever? Waiting to hear from you soon again.
good night kiss from Stephanie.  


Nå kommer det til å gå noen dager før det kommer mer her, men stay tuned!  

mandag 10. oktober 2011

Stephanie 4. Stephanie er en likegyldig bitch!

Jeg sendte Steph. et brev mandag ettermiddag, her valgte jeg å fortelle om en venn, som ble lurt av en Ukrainsk jente han hadde truffet på nett, og om hvor heldig jeg var som hadde funnet akkurat henne, som ikke var sånn. Egentlig bare for å se hva Steph. måtte ha å si til det. Jeg forklarte også at jeg skulle på jakt, og at jeg kom til å bli borte noen dager:

Hi again Stephanie

My yesterday was fine, because I got a letter from you. You know, I´m so
happy that it was you, that found my email, and not some other.
You know, a good friend of me, got this mail from an ukrainian girl, they
fell in love, or at least he did. She was going to move to Norway to be
with him. He was so kind to her, paid for everything that she needed,
tickets and everything. The day she should arrive, she didn´t come. And he
didn´t hear anything
from her again. Then he discovered that she had been mailing with many
other men too, she had never intended to come. She just fooled him, to get
his money.
Oh, Stephanie I´m so glad that you are an honest girl and not like that
ukrainian girl. Though, I have to say that you must be a bit naive to
belive a girl like he did.

I don´t want no Angel, but for me as for you honesty is very important.
What would you think if I was a fraud? I don´t want to hurt you. I´m so
happy you feel safe with me, it means so much.

I may be away for some days now, going out hunting, but I would really
like to have a message from you in my inbox when I return

Yours, TG

Som jeg etterhvert har forstått er det jeg skriver totalt uinteressant. Som svar på dette fikk jeg nok en gang bare svada som ikke hadde noe med det jeg hadde skrevet å gjøre. Hun vil virkelig møte meg, selv om jeg i forrige e-post gjorde det klart at jeg syntes det var litt for tidlig å møtes.

Hi Thomas

Good evening honey and I hope your day was fine. Mine was good too, am very very happy to hear from you, I hope that we are going to see each other soon? what do you think?  Thomas when do you think we can see each other? I can't say exactly but I know that I feel so sure with you, I feel safe with your thought and I can see myself with so much confident that I am in the right i said.if you want to come over here and see me that we be good.I will be happy to see you soon.because we really need to each other.

Like I said I have to tell you that I have been watching each and ever line of word that comes out from your mouth and they are all matured, that show me a man that wants love, they show me a man that would care for a woman just as much as he cares for himself, they show me a man that is truthful and honest, they show me a man that is not considering his own interest ahead of that of the woman, they show me a faithful a man, a man full of respect and want for others all that he wants for himself.  

I just wish that we are together that I can cook for you,Africa food that I can watch you stand me wanting to help me in the kitchen and I will tell you no, just go back and watch the TV, that I can lay down when it's dark and share a HEART to HEART conversation and I mean just the two of us. 

   I am here so that you can tell me from your heart that you want me, that you love me, that you will be true to me and that you will never hurt me and that is all that I need from me. Love is all that I need, your heart of understanding is all that I need, your faithfulness is all that I need because when you give me all of these, then I am sure to be happy but when you give me money and I don't have the love that my soul wants, the love that my whole body needs from you, I will never be a happy woman in life.  Good night honey waiting to hear from you soon.your Love to be Stephanie.

Jeg har allerede svart på dette brevet.  Hva er det som står i brevet? Står det at jeg vil kjøpe flybilletter til henne? Står det at jeg vil reise til Gambia? Er Gambia virkelig et land? Eller står det simpelthen at dette må leses med Tom Mathisen-stemme? Følg med i neste episode av KATTEN OG KVINNENE!!!

Steph. 3 Hjæm te dæ - eller hjæm te mæ?

Jeg følte jeg måtte bruke litt tid på å svare Stephanie. På grunn av usammenhengende tekst og ikke verdens beste engelsk tok det litt tid før jeg klarte å ta inn over meg hva "hun" egentlig ville. Jeg tror egentlig at hun ville være en godt over middels elsket slave. Jeg prøvde å svare, og la på en god del bullshit.

Hi Steph:)

All well? Hope so. Yes honesty is very important for me to. I don´t want to play games, It´s best to tell everything exact like it is. I try my best never to fool someone, and would never take advatage of anyone. It´s important to know that you can trust the people you surround and have relations to.

I really have to admit, I was not looking for a relationship, but you never know when things will change. When I got your letter, I tried to see my self with a girlfriend, and I must say, the thought is intriguing. It sorts of grows on me. Last night when I just had shot a bear, I thought: The skin would be a perfect gift for a girlfriend. Do you know polar bears? They have a beautiful white thick fur. Fantastic as a rag in front of the fireplace, if you understand ;)

I think it´s a bit early to meet, yet. But maybe, only the time will let us know. I will offer  blood to Skuld, my norse goddes of fortune and future to let her be gentle with us, and do what is best for us. I really like your views on family matters. I´m very conservative, and that doesn´t allways go well whith the modern way of European thinking.

You say you´re not to old, then I have to say I think you´re in the perfect age. To big age difference between at man and woman is not good. You´re in an age where it´s perfect to start a family. You´ve had your years as single. Now it´s time to be bound to a man and his house.

All relationships are about giving and taking. It shouldn´t be only one way. No people are perfect, though I have to admit that I, myself, is very close, and I want my partner to be as good as she can get also. I´m not Christian, I belive in the old Scandinavian gods, and Odin is the allfather. I would recomend last summers big movie hit, the american film THOR, for a great introduction to my religion. Though, I do respect all belives and faiths. All people should be free of mind to belive in what they belive in, and noone should try to take faith from them. I would not mind have a christian partner, and the biblical based principles are a very standard way of living that you find i most religions.

I have been i South Africa, and I would really go back to Africa some time. At the time I can´t afford such a travel, because the global warming make it harder to hunt bears. I belive that money is only money and over time that will not be an obstacke if you really want something. When I find the woman I want to share my life with, I will go all in. But after beeing burned some times, I now really want to know that this is it, first. Like you I´m tired of being hurt. If it after a while feels like you are that woman, I would love to hear the birds singing and the ocean breeze with you.


PS. Send you a photo of me, taken last week, with the trophy of the day

Det tok ganske akkurat 37 minutter fra jeg trykte på send, til svaret lå i innboksen min. Jeg er selvfølgelig litt skuffet over at hun tilsynelatende ikke bryr seg så mye om isbjørnjakt. Uansett er vi litt på gli i forhold til å møtes. Hun ønsker at jeg skal komme nedover på besøk en gang, hvis jeg ønsker det, kan også hun komme opp hit. Jeg lurer på om jeg skal be henne på jakttur en gang. Her er i allefall svaret:

Hi Dear
Good evening and how has your day been? and thank you for your understanding, the love, the caring and the honesty.
  I am going to be a little brief on this message because i want to go home now and I don't like walking out at night, I couldn't help but keep thinking about you,I said let me come and cheek my mail if i have any mail from you and am happy that you mail.  if you want us to meet, be strong in your faith, keep your believe and know that what God have given you(Stephanie) is worth your attention, it's worth your devotion, it's worth your love and all that you could give. I am not saying that I am an Angel but you know yourself Thomas and I know myself, I am not as well saying this that you have to love me NO,I am simply telling you who I am. I have always emphasized on the fact that I am from a poor home but my love is my wealth and why I am saying all of this is because of the distance between us, if we were close, I wouldn't be stressing on all of this because you will see me for yourself and will know if this is what you have been searching all through to find or not.

Yes I want us to meet and if you have to come, I will be happy or If you want me to come over I will do that too.
I can't say exactly but I know that I feel so sure with you, I feel safe with your thought and I can see myself with so much confident that I am in the right place. I have to tell you that I have been watching each and ever line of word that comes out from your mouth and they are all matured, that show me a man that wants love, they show me a man that would care for a woman just as much as he cares for himself, they show me a man that is truthful and honest, they show me a man that is not considering his own interest ahead of that of the woman, they show me a faithful a man, a man full of respect and want for others all that he wants for himself.let see how its we go just know that am here thinking about you.have a nice weekend waiting to hear from you soon.your Stephanie.

Så, det var dagens brevveksling, har noen løse tråder i forhold til nye jenter, forhåpentligvis kommer det flere ganske fort. Stay tuned!

fredag 7. oktober 2011

Jeg har nå registrert Katten og kvinnene på, for å gjøre den mer tilgjengelig for mange flere. Stay Tuned for more love or scam :)

Jeg har plassert min blogg i Altanorske bloggkart!

Stephanie 2. Om kvinnens rolle som mannens slave

Har ikke hørt noe fra Anna enda, men Stephanie har gitt lyd i fra seg. Jeg måtte først sende henne en mail, for å komme tilbake på tråden. Jeg holdt meg fortsatt til norsk, siden det var på "norsk" "hun" hadde skrevet til meg. 

Ah, selvfølgelig. Det er et band jeg jobbet med for noen år siden. Veldig god rock n roll. Liker du rock, hørte du på sangene? Hvem er dine favorittartister? Håper du har det fint. Jeg likte bildene :)


Sendt fra min HTC

Jeg fikk svar overraskende fort:

send your pics and tell me more about your self.

Thats it, det var hele teksten, ikke et hei og ikke en hilsen. Jaja, her var det bare å kjøre på. Jeg googlet meg selv og tok de to første bilderesultatene, to bilder fra min myspace-profil, som ble brukt i markedsføring av Høgskolen i Finnmark, for en god del år siden. Deretter skrev jeg en liten tekst om meg selv.


Should we take this in english from now on? Your Norwegian is not perfect, but it's above average understandable.

So, who am I?

I'm guy pushing the thirties, living up north in Norway, close to the north pole. I'm hunting polar bears for a living. Not that good paid, it's OK, but it's a kick. I really love my job. Every day out in the wilderness. When am not at work, I like hanging out with friends, that's great, but what I really miss is a girl who can lay beside me at the couch, watching the sunday movie at the TV. 

So, thats a tiny bit about me. Can you now answer my questions?


Bare timer etter kom svaret. En laaang mail. Hun skjønte at jeg er en ærlig kar når hun leste mailen min, og det liker hun ved meg. Hun er veldig interessert i å vite hvor langt jeg er villig til å gå, og hvor mye jeg vil ofre for en jente, ikke økonomisk selvfølgelig. Hun er veldig opptatt av at vi må møtes, og jeg fikk telefonnumret hennes, så jeg kan ringe henne når det skal være.

Hi Thomas
Good morning and I hope your day was fine. Mine was alright and I thank our creator for showing us mercy this day,thanks for your mail.I have had so many bad experience in the hands of men hence. It would be nice to really get to know each other, if you wish, I am a very honest person but finds it hard to think that I give my heart to a man and still all that I get is emotional pains and traumas. Regarding your question my favorite artists is Akon and Westlife.

It's one great thing that you talk with someone and in the course always see need to stay honest and that means you should be able to to know each others through the open conversation. I have a deep sense of humor, I am passionate and love music. There are a few thing that I enjoy which includes nature and my best play to stay and have a sober reflection is the beach side. Love to cook and I can say that I am a good cook and can do that at all times. Well, back to your message, it wasn't much but I wish to say that it was full of it's own sense and it shows that you are honest, I thought about it and I could read the heart of a man that wants love,a man willing to show respect to a woman, a man willing to be faithful to a woman.

Yes I am here for a relationship and want someone that we can meet each others in person, this calls for trust and building of our understanding . I have so much to share from my heart and I see relationship as that in which the man should remain the head of the family because I well know that the man is created with ability to head the home, a woman is only but a subject under the man and should be ready at all times to take directives from the man,owe him her deep respect and try all she could in making sure that the plans of the man in life all comes to success. She is a supportive element to that effect.

I may not be too old but I have had quit some bitter experience in the arms of the ones that i gave my heart and till this day i still haven't been able to find a reason why someone that ones said they loves you,could wake up and change without heart feelings, without a second thought as to what happens to the other person. I have been into two relationship that broke up because of unfaithfulness from the men and that's why I have choose to look somewhere else hoping that I can find an understanding heart

It's true that I may not be perfect but i don't like lies and I always believe in those that strive to stay true and honest in all that they are doing even though we are all imperfect,I love those that knows that relationship is forgiveness, I like those that knows that a woman needs some level of attentions and he's willing to share with her, I love those that knows that relationship is patience and it calls for efforts from both of us.I love a man that wants to correct me when I go wrong, a man that knows that Money isn't that which brings happiness in the home but our ability to live our lives by Bible based principles. Are you a Christian please?? Would you like to have a Christian as your partner if you aren't one??

Well,like you may know I am from the Gambia in West Africa and it appears like a quit a distance from your country but there are no limitations to friendship if you ask me.I live with my Aunt and her husband with their two children in Senegal. Do you know Africa and have you been to Africa before?? I am 29 years now and am 5ft 4inches tall, very loving and very open minded, a woman of one man.

I am faithful and very agreeable when it comes to sharing ideas in the family circle.I like to think that a man should be contributing by ways of his reasoning when it comes to the family affairs. I like to think that every members of the house should know their roles and we shouldn't forget our limitations and above all,we should always see the good side of the others person and instead of looking to see what and where the person has gone wrong,we look to see where we can help them to improve and see them grow to maturity, to see them grow to the ones that we would love all forever. I like to think that our happiness never comes from how much money that we have and this is area really is applicable to most men,they only sees money as the ultimate but certainly,how happy are you without a partner even with all that wealth you have acquired?? I am not referring to you please,just trying to mention that there's more to life than a chase after money.

So tell me how much are you willing to give all for her? I am not talking about money here but I am talking about the attention, the love, the caring, the understanding, the sincere and honest acts, the faithfulness, the forgiveness, the long suffering from you both, the deep respect that has to exist between the two of you and many more that makes you both gets along well and fine. How long have you been on a search for a partner? What do you think about the distance because like I said before now, I want a man that we can make efforts as to our meeting each others. We could write millions of email messages but if we don't meet each others, it would be so hard to really understand and see if we are the two hearts that can have a part in life. I just needs someone to love and hold hands as we take a walk through the cold breeze and hear the songs of birds together in one joy and happiness.

I believe that in every meeting there is a sense or something to accomplished and I want to think that you already know I am single and have been never married.My determination is to love and respect my partner,be proud of him and place no one above him in life.I hope reading from you soonest and pray this finds you well. Please be open minded to me like you did start, wish you a nice day.this is my cell phone number you can call me any time. +221 771 399 639

Her var det så mye å ta tak i at jeg må bruke litt tid på det, men følg med på LOVEORSCAM.BLOGSPOT.COM! 

onsdag 5. oktober 2011

Stephanie Dennis

Stephanie var en av grunnene til at jeg begynte å svare på disse e-postene. Da jeg mottok hennes brev, fikk jeg inntrykk av at hun prøvde å få meg til å tro at vi hadde møttes i det virkelige liv. Det gjorde meg så oppgitt, at jeg fant ut at jeg ville høre mer om hvordan vi hadde møttes.

Hyggelig å treffe deg.
Jeg fikk kontakt i dag og ble interessert i å kontakte deg, tror jeg fortjener vi å være venner, må du svare meg en gang du mottar meldingen min slik at jeg kan fortelle deg mer om meg selv ..... Jeg har også noen fine bilder for deg hvis du ikke tankene jeg venter svaret snart ..... Ta vare ... Bye, Stephanie

Siden hun skrev til meg på nesten forståelig norsk, fant jeg ut at jeg skulle svare på norsk. Hvis det skal bli noe mer mellom oss, er det jo greit at hun får øvd mest mulig på språket også, for hun virket ikke helt stødig enda:

Hei Stephanie

Jeg beklager, men jeg kan faktisk dessverre ikke huske deg. Hvor var det vi møttes? 

Best Regards

Relativt umiddelbart etterpå fikk jeg dette svaret, hvor hun også hadde lagt ved bilder:


Hvordan gjør du? Som for meg, jeg er fint takk. En fin godbit å få email.My navn er Stephanie Dennis, aldri vært gift og har ingen children.i har tostatsborgerskap, og halv Gambia jeg bor i Senegal Vest-Afrika.

Alt er i sinnet. Det er der det hele starter. Å vite hva du ønsker er første skritt mot å få det. Så skriver du en e-post for å se om jeg kan finne ut litt mer om deg. Ønsker første til å opprette et nyttvennskap utenfor sosial sirkel jeg har nå, men hvisden rette mannen kom ville årsak gå for det.
Hvis du gir ditt liv som en helhjertet respons påkjærlighet, så kjærlighet vil helhjertet respondere på you.Yes Jeg er her for et forhold og ønsker noen at vi kan møtes hver andre i person, dettekrever tillit og bygging av vår forståelse

Litt om meg. Jeg liker mange ting, som filmer, musikk, sport, reiser, jeg er en veldig ærlig, oppriktig, snill, trofast, omsorgsfull jente. Jeg er åpen, punktlig, omgjengelig dame. Jeg liker å reise, og alt om naturen. Jeg er en optimistisk,munter person. Jeg har alltid finner positive sider i enhver situasjon.

Jeg misliker å bli lei. Jeg tror at det viktigste i et forhold er å kunne forstå problemer med partneren din. Det er viktig å nyte livet i et godt selskap. Jeg leter etter en sterk, selvsikker mann som vet hva han vil og hvordan man skal oppnå det.

Han må være forståelse og evne til å bry seg omandre. Jeg ser ham som en anstendig, ærlig,omsorgsfull, snill mann. Jeg drømmer om å møteen slik mann, og å nyte livet sammen med ham.Det vil være en mann som kan erobre hjertet mittmed hans enkle smil, og snill hjertet. Jeg har vedlagt mine bilder her. Vennligst send din i din neste mail.Take bryr Stephanie

Da dette virket som et standard 2. brev, og jeg ikke trodde at hun i det hele tatt hadde lest hva jeg svarte, og i tillegg dette strengt tatt ikke var svar på spørsmålet mitt, følte jeg at jeg måtte bli litt streng med henne:

Hi again Steph.
You didn't answer my question. Where did we actually meet? 

Det hjalp tydeligvis, og tre dager senere kom dette:

this is where i got your contact

Så vi hadde virkelig ikke møttes i RL som det kalles med dagens terminologi. Hun hadde funnet e-postadressen min på myspace. Jeg svarte ikke på denne, men det var før jeg begynte å blogge om det! Stay tuned, for fortsettelse følger! 


Anna kom inn i livet mitt i ettermiddag. Hun skriver at hun har funnet profilen min på et nettsted hun ikke husker navnet på. Det som får meg til å stusse er at hun skriver til en e-postadresse jeg ikke kan huske å ha brukt annet enn i jobbsammenheng. 

I do not know how to start your letter, that I am very ashamed to write you this letter.
I saw your profile on a dating site, I can not remember what it's called, it seems that this was a site called be2.
I really enjoyed your profile, I thought it was very interesting and I was very curious to know more about you!
I decided to write you this letter, I hope you liked my letter, and you will answer me! I would like to talk to you, what do you think?
By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Anna and I bet you the pictures themselves.
If you would like to know more about me, please, ask me questions!
I will translate my letter through geoogle translator for you in your language, so you can read my letter, but I hope you know English, and we will be able to communicate with you in English, because I do not know your language but you do not know, eslim-English, I'll also be glad to talk with you about the Danish translation by Google.
I hope that you will soon be able to answer me and try to tell me about yourself!
I have to you one more question, why such a charming man like you still single?
I am writing to you from work unfortunately I have little time, and now I have to go to work!
We hope that soon you write to me!
with respect Anna

Hei, min nye venn!
Jeg vet ikke hvordan du starter ditt brev, at jeg er veldig skamfull for a skrive dette brevet.
Jeg sa profilen din pa en datingside, jeg kan ikke huske hva det heter, virker det som dette var et omrade kalt be2.
Jeg not profilen din, tenkte jeg det var veldig interessant og jeg var veldig nysgjerrig pa a vite mer om deg!


Jeg måtte selvfølgelig svare på dette . Jeg valgte å starte litt forsiktig.

We can take this in english, Google translate is no good. I send from
another e-mail account, couse I don't want to use my work e-mail for this

You say I must ask you what I want to know about you, so the first thing I
want to know is, where do you come from?


Anna sendte med et bilde. Søt jente, og glad i katten :D

Katten og Kvinnene

Med relativt jevne mellomrom mottar jeg e-poster fra jenter som synes at jeg er veldig kjekk og sjarmerende. Dette er jenter som ofte kommer fra land veldig langt borte. Det har ofte slått meg at disse jentene kanskje er ute etter mer enn min hengivenhet, pengene mine for eksempel. Forleden bestemte jeg meg for å begynne å svare på disse e-postene, bare for å se hvor langt jeg kan dra dette i underholdningsøyemed.

I denne bloggen vil jeg publisere utvalgte e-poster jeg mottar, og selvfølgelig også svarene:)
