Jeg har jo tidligere vært usikker på om damene mine virkelig leser det jeg skriver. Nå prøvde jeg å legge inn noen ting som burde bli lagt merke til. Stephanie har jo til tider skrevet noe usammenhengende, så det tenkte jeg at jeg kunne legge meg på samme lista.
Hi Steph.
At last I'm back from hunting, no luck this time. He hearkens after prophecies and dreams. We saw two bears but could not shoot them. What do you think about hunting? And from the cross-row plucks the letter G. I think you would like going out in the wilderness and shoot everything that moves. Matt 7:12 is a great sentence, but I have to admit, I think old Matthew was pretty wasted when he wrote the whole chapter seven. You have to be pretty paranoid if you think the pigs are going to attack you, if you give them jewels, as he states in 7:6. And says a wizard told him that by G. His issue disinherited should be; Don't you agree? And, for my name of George begins with G, It follows in his thought that I am he. I understand that you are very christian, and I do respect that, and hope you will respect my norse religion too. We don't have the same god, actually I have several, the coolest in my opinion is Heimdall, actually he's African like you.
As I said earlier I think it's a bit early to meet yet, and therefore it may be a bit early to start planning having kids together. But if you dream, everything can happen;)
Svaret kom, og var overraskende på mange måter, hun viser jo at hun leser det jeg skriver, men samtidig føler jeg at hun ikke får med seg alt.
Hi honey.
Good morning and how are you today? I have had a nice sleep but none could be measured to been near to you and feeling your heart beat close to mine. I couldn't have wished any better man even if we are still far apart.I am sorry for not written sooner Dear.I hope your week wasn't that stressful as though I haven't heard from you in a couple of days now, since you come back from hunting and it calls for my concern. yes I like hunting but I don't know how to do that hope you will teach me when am with you over there. Are you alright please? Yes I do respect all religion, yes I really do want us to meet if its your I hope that you will see soon when its ok by you.
So how are you carrying on with work?? Are you in Town or you did travel ? I miss you and surely want to use each and every day to tell you your worth, please stay fine and thank you for been there always for me. My heart yearns to the truth of your body, I wish you a nice week and be sure that someone all the way from the black African race do cares.
Nå skriver hun at synes det er ok med jakt, og lurer på om jeg kanskje kan lære henne det. Jeg stusser likevel på at hun ikke reagerer på at Duke Clarence fra Shakespeares "Life and death of King Richard III" har lurt seg inn i e-posten min. Heller ikke mitt syn på Matteus personlige tilstand da han skrev sitt evangelium har hun bitt seg merke i.
Denne her var bra, altså! Gleder meg til fortsettelsen av Stephanie-saga...