tirsdag 1. november 2011

Anna 4: Det går litt i surr for Anna, hun sender samme brev en gang til.

Det er klart at det ikke kan være greit å være svindler. Du har mange du skal holde kontroll på, og du må ha tunga rett i munnen. Derfor ble jeg ikke kjempeoverrasket, da Anna sendte meg et brev jeg har fått fra henne før. 

Hey Thomas is again writing to you I - Anna. Last time I wrote to you, but it was only a short message. Please excuse me for my first message, then unfortunately I was very busy at work and so could not write you much. Sorry!
So where to start my first story about myself, I do not know. This communication online new for me ...

Samme bildet var vedlagt. Siden hun igjen presiserer at forrige gang hun skrev var det bare en kort melding, følte jeg at jeg måtte presisere at det var andre gang jeg hadde fått det samme brevet.


Actually, last time you wrote to me, you wrote the exact same letter, with
the same attached photo. Since I never answered the first, I guess you
were afraid it didn't get through?

You're from Russia, thats great, I know a bit about your country. I even
know who will be elected as the next president.

I live in the town Trollesund, not far from Bolvangar. Here I work as a
manager at the big hangar. At the sparetime I like skiing and dog sledding.
I have never been lucky in relationships either. Girls have been coming
and girls have been leaving twice as quick. I'm not a big drinker myself,
though I have to admit that I probably drink more than you. I totally
share your views on drugs. I'm also happy you don't use a child, in
Norway, and most other countries thas's illegal.

If I would describe myself in 5 words it must be: Happy, Lucky, Classy,
Smart, and a maybe a bit naive. I will not reveal my bad sides
in later letters, because I don't have any. Or one thing I can admit, It's a great thing you is good at decorating a house, because there I have nothing to add. I don't know much about your hobby, and I think can promise you, you will NEVER get me to pluck leaves from trees, just for preserving them. What's important is that you find it useful for you. I'm not a big dancer either. Maybe you can teach me?

That's it for now. Looking forward to your next letter


Svaret kom et par dager etter:

Hello my friend Thomas !
Thomas , I would probably be happy to give you a couple of dance lessons, but I'm not very professional!
how are you today? and how are you? as a job?
If you say that I am not happy to see your letter, it would not be true. I am very glad to see your reply letter to me and I can not even find words to express her joy. I guess I can only tell you "thank you" for your prompt reply and I hope that you will always be so exciting and quickly respond to me.
I already wrote you my letter in the past, which for me is a new familiarity. I really do not know how all this is happening, but many times I've heard that people learn about the Internet and this acquaintance even sometimes comes to the wedding. I can not understand how it happens? Can one fall in love through letters or ...? And you believe in this love or you do not understand this? I am interested in your opinion.
Thomas First, we must know with you about who and what qualities in a partner and we are looking for with this fact to continue our acquaintance. It may be that we do not approach each other, if so, it makes sense to continue? you agree with me?
Yes, I'm not a princess, and I do not look for the prince in this life. It has long forgotten the days when men performed feats for the sake of women, but I believe that these qualities are living somewhere inside of you and all in men.
if honest, for me, not very important physical characteristics of men. Yes, sometimes not very pretty or even worse. Just a lot of age is irrelevant to many, but not for me. I am 28 and this is the age in Russia, when a woman has to think about family, about children. My girlfriend has long been all married and only I was left alone. No, I do not say that I have fans here. Here in Russia, many, or even almost all the men drink vodka, they like to change their wives, or even just go away. Marriage in Russia is not stable and it is hurting us women. My friends often complain to me that there is no happiness in family life, etc. Of course their words scare me, but still not looking at their word, I believe that there is a man who I want in this life.
I want to write you a little about his childhood. In my youth I tried a lot of any hobby. When I went to school, I attended just two of the club dancing and drawing. I was the dances much better than in the figure. So far, I do not regret it as now I dance very well and to me, this is - not a shame to go with the guy at the dance. It is possible that we, when it must attend together dancing. My parents raised me very correct and wish that I grew gifted girl. Therefore, approximately 7 classes classes that I attended music school and achieved success as not bad. Now I'm just a musical instrument piano. I just said that mnya wonderful and beautiful voice that I had a wonderful ear that will help me very well in the performance of music in the whole choir. but I refused this because I did not have time to do all at once .. I was very tired from those of the school, after school I went to practice the piano, after the evening went to the dance, when I came home late in the day I was exhausted and tired badly, but my parents gave me a lot of effort and energy given proper nutrition. . What do you think in vain, I did not agree to go on singing in the choir? who knows, maybe I would become famous in life .. Who knows how could it happen ..
Thomas you'd be very happy to hear that. Although now I have no great desire to do so. Two years later I began to attend the sports section navigation. Here, I realized that it really was my request.
I was busy in those sports and 5 years was 22, defended the level of the owner of sports. I'm at home still have my trophy and a letter. I think that was my busy navigation forming touched my lovely figure.
At leisure, when it's poorly maintained, I take great interest (percentage) of the TV and reading books. I love the variety of literature (Pushkin, Paulo Coelho). Basically it - novels of love. which describes all the passion, enthusiasm, love, stories of life .. Thomas as I love walking tour through the woods in the field, on the grass. Very good nature and the air is very clean.
Well, I'm at work so far and I have yet to work. I'll wait for your reply letter, and I hope you will write me soon.
if I have this evening free time, I will write more to you. A little talk about me and my family. I mean my parents. Like all the people I have mom and dad, but about them later, ok. Have a good day to you.
Sincerely your friend, Anna.

Det var det jeg hadde for denne gang. Jeg skal purre på Sixten, men han er vistnok på turné for tiden. Stay Tuned

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