fredag 7. oktober 2011

Stephanie 2. Om kvinnens rolle som mannens slave

Har ikke hørt noe fra Anna enda, men Stephanie har gitt lyd i fra seg. Jeg måtte først sende henne en mail, for å komme tilbake på tråden. Jeg holdt meg fortsatt til norsk, siden det var på "norsk" "hun" hadde skrevet til meg. 

Ah, selvfølgelig. Det er et band jeg jobbet med for noen år siden. Veldig god rock n roll. Liker du rock, hørte du på sangene? Hvem er dine favorittartister? Håper du har det fint. Jeg likte bildene :)


Sendt fra min HTC

Jeg fikk svar overraskende fort:

send your pics and tell me more about your self.

Thats it, det var hele teksten, ikke et hei og ikke en hilsen. Jaja, her var det bare å kjøre på. Jeg googlet meg selv og tok de to første bilderesultatene, to bilder fra min myspace-profil, som ble brukt i markedsføring av Høgskolen i Finnmark, for en god del år siden. Deretter skrev jeg en liten tekst om meg selv.


Should we take this in english from now on? Your Norwegian is not perfect, but it's above average understandable.

So, who am I?

I'm guy pushing the thirties, living up north in Norway, close to the north pole. I'm hunting polar bears for a living. Not that good paid, it's OK, but it's a kick. I really love my job. Every day out in the wilderness. When am not at work, I like hanging out with friends, that's great, but what I really miss is a girl who can lay beside me at the couch, watching the sunday movie at the TV. 

So, thats a tiny bit about me. Can you now answer my questions?


Bare timer etter kom svaret. En laaang mail. Hun skjønte at jeg er en ærlig kar når hun leste mailen min, og det liker hun ved meg. Hun er veldig interessert i å vite hvor langt jeg er villig til å gå, og hvor mye jeg vil ofre for en jente, ikke økonomisk selvfølgelig. Hun er veldig opptatt av at vi må møtes, og jeg fikk telefonnumret hennes, så jeg kan ringe henne når det skal være.

Hi Thomas
Good morning and I hope your day was fine. Mine was alright and I thank our creator for showing us mercy this day,thanks for your mail.I have had so many bad experience in the hands of men hence. It would be nice to really get to know each other, if you wish, I am a very honest person but finds it hard to think that I give my heart to a man and still all that I get is emotional pains and traumas. Regarding your question my favorite artists is Akon and Westlife.

It's one great thing that you talk with someone and in the course always see need to stay honest and that means you should be able to to know each others through the open conversation. I have a deep sense of humor, I am passionate and love music. There are a few thing that I enjoy which includes nature and my best play to stay and have a sober reflection is the beach side. Love to cook and I can say that I am a good cook and can do that at all times. Well, back to your message, it wasn't much but I wish to say that it was full of it's own sense and it shows that you are honest, I thought about it and I could read the heart of a man that wants love,a man willing to show respect to a woman, a man willing to be faithful to a woman.

Yes I am here for a relationship and want someone that we can meet each others in person, this calls for trust and building of our understanding . I have so much to share from my heart and I see relationship as that in which the man should remain the head of the family because I well know that the man is created with ability to head the home, a woman is only but a subject under the man and should be ready at all times to take directives from the man,owe him her deep respect and try all she could in making sure that the plans of the man in life all comes to success. She is a supportive element to that effect.

I may not be too old but I have had quit some bitter experience in the arms of the ones that i gave my heart and till this day i still haven't been able to find a reason why someone that ones said they loves you,could wake up and change without heart feelings, without a second thought as to what happens to the other person. I have been into two relationship that broke up because of unfaithfulness from the men and that's why I have choose to look somewhere else hoping that I can find an understanding heart

It's true that I may not be perfect but i don't like lies and I always believe in those that strive to stay true and honest in all that they are doing even though we are all imperfect,I love those that knows that relationship is forgiveness, I like those that knows that a woman needs some level of attentions and he's willing to share with her, I love those that knows that relationship is patience and it calls for efforts from both of us.I love a man that wants to correct me when I go wrong, a man that knows that Money isn't that which brings happiness in the home but our ability to live our lives by Bible based principles. Are you a Christian please?? Would you like to have a Christian as your partner if you aren't one??

Well,like you may know I am from the Gambia in West Africa and it appears like a quit a distance from your country but there are no limitations to friendship if you ask me.I live with my Aunt and her husband with their two children in Senegal. Do you know Africa and have you been to Africa before?? I am 29 years now and am 5ft 4inches tall, very loving and very open minded, a woman of one man.

I am faithful and very agreeable when it comes to sharing ideas in the family circle.I like to think that a man should be contributing by ways of his reasoning when it comes to the family affairs. I like to think that every members of the house should know their roles and we shouldn't forget our limitations and above all,we should always see the good side of the others person and instead of looking to see what and where the person has gone wrong,we look to see where we can help them to improve and see them grow to maturity, to see them grow to the ones that we would love all forever. I like to think that our happiness never comes from how much money that we have and this is area really is applicable to most men,they only sees money as the ultimate but certainly,how happy are you without a partner even with all that wealth you have acquired?? I am not referring to you please,just trying to mention that there's more to life than a chase after money.

So tell me how much are you willing to give all for her? I am not talking about money here but I am talking about the attention, the love, the caring, the understanding, the sincere and honest acts, the faithfulness, the forgiveness, the long suffering from you both, the deep respect that has to exist between the two of you and many more that makes you both gets along well and fine. How long have you been on a search for a partner? What do you think about the distance because like I said before now, I want a man that we can make efforts as to our meeting each others. We could write millions of email messages but if we don't meet each others, it would be so hard to really understand and see if we are the two hearts that can have a part in life. I just needs someone to love and hold hands as we take a walk through the cold breeze and hear the songs of birds together in one joy and happiness.

I believe that in every meeting there is a sense or something to accomplished and I want to think that you already know I am single and have been never married.My determination is to love and respect my partner,be proud of him and place no one above him in life.I hope reading from you soonest and pray this finds you well. Please be open minded to me like you did start, wish you a nice day.this is my cell phone number you can call me any time. +221 771 399 639

Her var det så mye å ta tak i at jeg må bruke litt tid på det, men følg med på LOVEORSCAM.BLOGSPOT.COM! 

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